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Training Camp Chronicles with Mitch Giguere: Part Two

Training Camp Chronicles with Mitch Giguere: Part Two

Mitch Giguere is back with a deep dive into Skill Development with the 2023 Training Camp Drills - Part 2! They’re not all based on skill, but you’ll learn how to incorporate skills within a drill. *All Drills and this Plan are found in our FREE Marketplace. Never Draw a Drill ever again!

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Training Camp Chronicles with Mitch Giguere: Part Two

Training Camp Chronicles with Mitch Giguere: Part Two

Mitch Giguere is back with a deep dive into Skill Development with the 2023 Training Camp Drills - Part 2! They’re not all based on skill, but you’ll learn how to incorporate skills within a drill. *All Drills and this Plan are found in our FREE Marketplace. Never Draw a Drill ever again!

CoachThem User Survey 2023

CoachThem User Survey 2023

We value your experience and insights as a member of CoachThem and we’re committed to continuously enhancing our platform to better serve your coaching needs. This survey aims to understand your level of satisfaction with your CoachThem subscription and gather valuable feedback to further improve our services.

A One-on-One with Mike Bonelli

A One-on-One with Mike Bonelli

In our chat with Mike Bonelli, he explains the importance of mastering the skill of skating, witnessing the progression of your players skills and how some of the most beneficial aspects of CoachThem have helped him do so.

Creation Series Episode 1: The Intro

Creation Series Episode 1: The Intro

In our first episode, we introduce Mike Weaver and Mike Bonelli and go into what to expect in our series. In the end, Bonelli takes us through the Anatomy of a drill.

Introducing Creation Series | Monthly Webinar

Introducing Creation Series | Monthly Webinar

One of the challenges that coaches face is the creation of the perfect drill or plan. We will be tackling this topic with Mike Bonelli who has 25 years of program building and planning experience for ice hockey.

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