CoachThem Blogs

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Team Management vs Association Subscription

Team Management vs Association Subscription

At CoachThem, we offer many options for our coaches. Whether you want to create a team and invite a fellow coach to collaborate with or whether you want to get your entire association onboard with us, we have it all! To learn more about each option and see which suits you best, continue reading!

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Team Management vs Association Subscription

Team Management vs Association Subscription

At CoachThem, we offer many options for our coaches. Whether you want to create a team and invite a fellow coach to collaborate with or whether you want to get your entire association onboard with us, we have it all! To learn more about each option and see which suits you best, continue reading!

Association Coaches Webinar

Association Coaches Webinar

Most of you have already reached the halfway point of your season, and we'd like to review with you and the coaches within associations and discuss how to best utilize CoachThem for success!

Sketchpad 2.0 | Live Launch Webinar

Sketchpad 2.0 | Live Launch Webinar

In this session, Mike and Stephen introduce everything behind CoachThem's new drill drawing features. Draw faster, create professionally and plan smarter than ever before.

Drawing Drills Like a Pro

Drawing Drills Like a Pro

Simply put, the CoachThem team has drawn a TON of drills over the years. Learn from our top tips and tricks and take your drill creation to the next level!

CoachThem Walkthroughs

CoachThem Walkthroughs

Use our new tutorial walkthroughs to get step-by-step instruction on how you can maximize your usage of CoachThem.

How to Add Video to Your Drills

How to Add Video to Your Drills

In this tutorial, Stephen takes you through the video and layers buttons that were recently added to on CoachThem. Take advantage of these new tools at your disposal and enhance the way your drills are displayed to your coaches and players!

Getting to Know CoachThem in 49 mins

Getting to Know CoachThem in 49 mins

CoachThem was created by coaches, for coaches just like you. We understand that not only is it extremely time consuming to come up with drills and practice plans, but it is even more difficult to find an efficient way to organize everything you have created.

How to Create Your Team and Pay For Your Coaches

How to Create Your Team and Pay For Your Coaches

In this webinar, we go over how you can organize your own team, add your assistant coaches and pay for all the accounts under one invoice!

How to Share Your Drills and Plans

How to Share Your Drills and Plans

In this webinar, we will go through how you can easily share your drills and practice plans through CoachThem. You will learn how to do it with an individual coach, your team and even your whole association!

How to create your Practice Plan

How to create your Practice Plan

Stephen in this webinar goes over how to assemble your Practice Plan on CoachThem. He shows you how easy it is to create your practice.

How to create a Drill

How to create a Drill

Join Stephen in our first webinar where I will be going over how to create a drill on CoachThem. He'll show you how to get the hang of the little things so you can start building and planning for the bigger things.  

CoachThem - INTRO to Plans 101

CoachThem - INTRO to Plans 101

CoachThem was built with simplicity in mind. There are two parts to the site, Drills and Plans. Now let's go over Plans.